T-N-R Support

For more information about our T-N-R Spay/Neuter Clinic, traps or trapping assistance,

please call 610-760-9009

What are feral cats?

You might call her an alley cat, a barn cat or a street cat. No matter how you say it, she is a feral cat, unsocialized and living a valued life outside. Either she was born outside and never lived with a human family, or she is a house cat that has strayed from home, and over time, has reverted to a wild state. These unsterilized cats eventually form colonies, making their home wherever they can find food, avoiding human contact whenever possible. Tomcats prowl for mates, females become pregnant, and the cycle of reproduction continues.

T-N-R Works!

Trap-Neuter-Return works! The breeding stops, populations are gradually reduced. The annoying behaviors of mating cats, such as spraying, yowling or fighting, stop. The cats are vaccinated against disease, ear-tipped for ID purposes, and are returned to their colony caretakers to be fed and cared for.  Read more in our “Importance of TNR” brochure.

Trap Rentals

The Shelter has traps you can borrow .The deposit to borrow a trap is $50.00, refunded once the trap is returned.  If lost or damaged the cost to replace the trap is $50.00. The traps need to be returned in 2 weeks so that other people have opportunity to use them.
If anyone has a trap that was borrowed more than a few weeks ago, we would greatly appreciate if you would return them. Some of those traps belong to volunteers who have generously offered to lend out their traps for no charge.

For more information about our T-N-R Spay/Neuter Clinic, traps or trapping assistance,

please call 610-760-9009